Join Trivio Pharmacy in its Donate Your Medicines Campaign


In an effort to make healthcare accessible to all, Trivio Pharmacy has initiated a ground-breaking campaign that encourages individuals to donate their unused, non-expired medications. This unique initiative aims to collect half or full strips of medications at Trivio stores, which will then be utilized during medical camps organized by Trivio in poverty-stricken areas.

During these medical camps, donated medicines, along with other necessary medication will be facilitated by Trivio and shall be prescribed by qualified doctors to those in need. Additionally, pharmacy companies will also be joining forces to ensure that essential medications are provided to those who are unable to afford them. This compassionate cause is a significant step towards ensuring healthcare for all, regardless of their financial circumstances.

Trivio Pharmacy is also reaching out to associate retailers to express their gratitude to customers who participate in this meaningful campaign. By providing thank you cards as a gesture of appreciation, Trivio aims to encourage and acknowledge the valuable contribution of donors.

So, keep this on your ‘To do list’ for the day! Check your drawers, collect the medicines not in use, of course check the expiry date, and put it to good use, today!

Join Trivio Pharmacy in their mission to make the Donate Your Medicines campaign a resounding success. Your contribution can make a significant difference in ensuring that essential medications reach those who need them the most. Donate your medicines at Trivio Pharmacy today and be a part of this transformative cause towards accessible healthcare for all.