Empowering the chemists nearby you!

Pharmacy Chain in Gujarat

Our times of need and crisis tell us who our true friends are.

The local chemists come as our saviours from time to time. Our fear of hospitals and the claustrophobia that many of us face while waiting for the appointment sometimes lead us to just call our chemist and ask him what medicine we can take and get a quick-fix of that lingering headache.

We, at Trivio understand this state of emergency and our need to get a quick-fix for our problems.

We, at Trivio also understand that right education and network is needed to make sure that this system and pattern of pharmaceutical consumerism is efficient. This deep understanding of consumer behaviour and India’s pharmaceutical market, has led to the conception of Trivio Pharmacy under the guidance of the founder, Mr. Alpesh Patel.

Trivio Pharmacy is created on the solid vision of building a durable network of educated pharmacists who will guide the consumer in the right direction. We aim to empower the society by empowering the pharmacists with the right resources and guidance to build a system which can help their customer base grow. The core of the solution for solving the healthcare issues lies in recognising the challenges correctly. We understand that the basic pillars on which the network stands need a correction.

We wish to empower the local chemists with a more powerful marketing campaign after making sure that the right quality of medication and advice is being served to the consumers.
We believe that proper stock management is also required to make sure that the pharmacies run efficiently and smoothly. To make sure that this new system works in the favour of the local chemists, we need to focus on proper training, education and recruitment.

The key to a stronger system is an updated education and training of the small shop owners and pharmacists. We wish to empower the consumers and their health by empowering their favourite local pharmacists.

With Trivio Pharmacy, everyone wins, especially your local pharmacist who assured you with, “Koi Baat Nahi, Kal Paise De Dena…” even when you forget the wallet or didn’t have change.

If you’re an individual medical store owner, join this revolutionary pharmacy chain and ignite your business like never before! Contact us on 9624802480 for more information.


Trivio addressing the crucial 6 Challenges of Individual Pharmacists

Pharmacy Chain in Gujarat

Pharmacists in India face a wide variety of challenges. Mr. Alpesh Patel’s goal was to find out what these challenges were and how through his venture he could overcome these challenges to make their profession more rewarding, satisfactory, and high yielding.

Limited recognition
One of the major challenges faced by pharmacists is their struggle with limited recognition. Pharmacists are well-qualified scholars that come under the category of healthcare professionals. In India, the mindset of people and the lack of awareness leads them to believe that these pharmacists are nothing more than medicine dispensers.

Lack of standardized education
There is also a lack of standardized education and training for pharmacists. Different institutions provide different quality and quantum of knowledge and education to pharma students, and this can lead to a disparity in the amount of knowledge and skills they possess. By having a standardized curriculum, or a specific level of quality education, there will be more parity between pharmacists across the country, which will lead to people trusting them more for their skills and medical knowledge. This will also lead to people relying less on self-medicating or consulting underqualified people, and they will begin seeking the advice of pharmacists.

Regulatory issues

One more issue faced by pharmacists often is the issue of regulation. The regulatory framework of Indian pharmacy is complex and inconsistent. Newer and clearer regulations need to be created that can address issues that still have a lot of ambiguity – such as licensing, practice standards, and scope of practice.

Shortage of pharmacists in rural areas
Rural India faces a shortage of quality pharmacies. This gives them an unfair disadvantage, and affects the healthcare system of those remote areas, due to lack of access to drugs. There is also the issue of counterfeit or substandard drugs, and due to the lack of resources pharmacists possess, they are unable to ensure the quality and authenticity of such drugs. There needs to be development and access to such resources, to stop this issue.

Counterfeit and substandard drugs

India has faced challenges related to counterfeit and substandard drugs in the market. Pharmacists play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and authenticity of medications, but they often lack the necessary resources and infrastructure to tackle this issue effectively.
Lack of collaboration with healthcare providers
Pharmacists and healthcare professionals lack collaboration and communication. If there was improved integration and coordination between healthcare professionals and pharmacists, it would improve and speed up the caregiving process for patients in India, leading to better healthcare outcomes.

Continuing professional development
Education is one thing, but putting that aside, there are always constant developments and new inventions happening all around. It is essential for pharmacists to stay updated with such new developments to better their service, but the availability of resources and training programs for this is extremely inadequate, due to which growth is not possible.

Consumer awareness
There is a need to improve consumer awareness regarding the role of pharmacists and the importance of seeking their advice. Many people in India rely on self-medication or consultation with unqualified individuals, which can lead to medication errors and health risks.
Trivio Pharmacy has been created to recognize these issues, and battle them for a new revolution in the pharma sector. We wish to address these challenges – such as the requirement of collaborative efforts, regulatory bodies, education and training for pharmacists, etc. Let us together, improve the quality of pharmacy services in India.
If you’re an individual medical store owner, join this revolutionary pharmacy chain and ignite your business like never before! Contact us on 9624802480 for more information.